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International Festival

Video Awareness

We seek more excellence and progress

God willing, tomorrow is good

About the International Festival Video Awareness

The second Edition will be hold this year to bring to gheteher content makers from Tunisia, Arab world and the Word ,to in order to produce sensiting videos that contribute to set humain values and incite people to spread noble values suchas tolerence and good intentions as well as other attitudes that can change the world to the best through. The Culture of MultiMedia as a mens of Education

The world competition for sensiting videos is one of the most important post of the Festival. It starts through inciting teenagers ans students to write a scenario ans supportingnthem to Makebtheir videos and provide a chance to show an large screens to the public So that they transmit their nombers messages to the largest nomber of people and influence sociales positively
فاعليات المهرجان

تقام فاعاليات المهرجان على ثلاث أيام في ساحات عامة مفتوحة للعموم تتخللها عروض تنشيطية و ترويجية للتراث المحلي و الصناعات الوطنية و السياحة وحملات مجتمعية ومسابقات في أفلام الهواتف الذكية و الموبايل إضافة لعروض الفيديوهات التوعوية معتمدا على تكنولوجيا حديثة في الإضاءة و شاشات عملاقة

An international Independent Commitee Grants Awards to the excellent productions which Also will have a chance to be broadcast on Tv . Besides There is An Award of Spectators via social network.

A Wards of Edition 2

First Award

Amount of 5.000 dinars

Second Award

Amount of 3.000 dinars

Third Award

Amount of 2.000 dinars



From March 1 st to Juine 30 th 2022

deadline to Send videos

July 20 th 2022

time remaining

The first global platform for awareness videos, and the only place to register posts for free 100%It allows positive content makers to participate in many meaningful competitions of interest to our community and the rest of societies

Sponsored by

A2 Building Kenza Street Sahel Khezama Sousse Tunisia



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Festival FIVS

Festival FIVS

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Festival FIVS
مرحبا بكم بالمهرجان الدولي للفيديوهات التوعوية Bienvenue à FIVS | Welcom To FIVS  